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Selamet dateng ke blog ku... baca ampe abis ok? don't forget. jangan lupa jumpa2 lg ke sini... di jamin banyak posting2 baru. hehe... slamet menikmati posting2 yang 'GUE BANGET'. Oh iya, jgn lupa beli buku pertamaku yaa 'Flowerist Valley' dr seri KKPK Dar! Mizan :) Oh iya, sori kalo ga suka disini banyak posting ttg TEKNOLOGI, tp ku kan "IT Lovers" tolong dimengerti yaa. oh iya, klo da yg jumpa ke blogku jgn lupa buat comment, walau hanya titik '.'

Selasa, 09 November 2010


This day, at 9 november 2010, I went to school, and had a PE lesson. I played badminton with my best friend, lala. And I wear a new uniform this day. The uniform color is blue and black. That uniform is strange, but is ok!. Tomorrow i must to had 4 examinations!I veri nervous. The lesson is Physics, art, civics, and history. I must sudy hard! I went to prepair for tomorrow. I wish I geta good score! pray for me okay?. Yesterday I get a message from ' readoe.fs@yahoo.co.id' He is an mizan editor, at last I ask him, is my book is now in bookstore?. He answered my book in bookstore 1 December. I'm very confused, 3 month a go maybe, he said on october, on october he said november, and at november? he said desember. Okay, and then i send message to him, why always canceled?

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